PurePrep Animal Kit
Bead-based purification kits for veterinary samples

The PurePrep Animal kit enables fast isolation of genomic DNA from matrices like blood, semen, saliva, swabs, hair and lysed tissue from various animal species. This kit has a high DNA yield and purity and is suitable for many genomic applications such as SNP genotyping and DNA sequencing.

The extraction chemistry has been validated on many different animal species including horse, swine, dog, cattle, fish, shrimp, insects and mollusks.

The kit is optimized for usage with the PurePrep Extraction Systems and compatible with other common automated DNA purification instruments.

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Customizable to meet any specific requirements for your application
The PurePrep Animal Kit provides consistently high yields of genomic DNA with short and easy protocols. The kit is suitable for parental testing / breeding identity and many other genomic applications such as SNP genotyping, DNA sequencing or NGS.

This kit has been tested and validated on many different species including mammalian (horse, swine, cattle, dogs), birds (chicken and turkeys) and even aquatic animals (shrimp, mollusks and various fish species).

Feel free to contact us if you are unsure whether your sample type is compatible with the reagents.


  • Fast and efficient purification of genomic DNA from veterinary samples
  • Consistently high yields of total nucleic acids
  • Validated for various sample materials such as Blood, Semen, Hair Saliva, Swabs or Lysed Tissue.
  • Easy to use protocols (~30 minutes)
  • Suitable for low-, medium- and high-throughput volumes
  • Suitable for SNP genotyping, DNA sequencing and NGS
  • Scalable for different sample volumes
  • Optimized for our PurePrep Extraction Systems and compatible with other common purification systems.



  • Lysis Buffer U1
  • Lysis Buffer TS
  • Lysis Buffer VT
  • Proteinase K
  • Binding Buffer U1
  • MagSi-AG IV
  • Wash Buffer I
  • Wash Buffer II
  • Elution Buffer

Available in:

  • 96 Preps
  • 10 x 96 Preps

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