PurePrep MTS – uHMW

Modified Tip Surface



Ultra-high Molecular Weight DNA, without the use of beads or filters

Extract high-quality, ultra-pure uHMW DNA without the need for beads or filters by using the unique PurePrep Modified Tip Surface (MTS). The direct binding of DNA to the surface of the PurePrep TipCombs significantly decreases the stress factors on the DNA during the extraction process such as the risk of shearing.

Unlimited binding capacity & streamlined extraction procedure

The use of this novel technology provides unlimited DNA binding capacity on a single surface from a wide range of sample types; making it suitable for any downstream application.  
In addition, the MTS technology has eliminated many of the steps normally associated with the isolation of uHMW, leading to a universal sample prep.  


The use of the MTS technology removes the need for chaotropic salts and other organic chemicals and solvents, resulting in fewer washing steps and reducing harsh chemical use for a safer environment. 

  • No magnetic beads 
  • No silica particles or slurry 
  • No phenol/chloroform 
  • No ion exchange material 

Thanks to the streamlined process, there is a reduction of the use of plastics including pipet tips. This leads to a substantial lower environmental footprint, contributing to achieving an organization’s corporate and social responsibilities objectives.

Application Examples

Example 1: Extraction of DNA from Mouse Lung


Sample Yield (µg) A260:280 A260:230
Mouse lung 1 (7mg) 11 1.8 2.0
Mouse lung 2 (15mg) 25 1.9 1.9
PurePrep uHMW Extraction of DNA from Mouse Lung Figure 1

Example 2: Extraction of DNA from whole blood

Extraction of DNA from 1 ml / 2 ml / 3 ml of whole blood.


Sample Yield (µg) A260:280 A260:230
1 ml 23,7 1,9 2,2
1 ml 21,3 1,9 2,2
1 ml 20,4 1,9 2,2
1 ml 18,9 1,9 2,2
2 ml 45,0 1,9 2,3
2 ml 46,8 1,9 2,3
2 ml 42,9 1,9 2,2
2 ml 44,1 1,9 2,3
3 ml 64,8 1,8 2,3
3 ml 70,2 1,9 2,3
3 ml 68,4 1,9 2,3
3 ml 72,0 1,9 2,3
uhmw example 2
umhw graphs

Example 3: Extraction of DNA from PBMC’s

Automated extraction of DNA from PBMC’s (peripheral blood mononuclear cells) from 2 ml of whole blood (fresh) and automated purification of library mix and subsequent Nanopore Sequencing.


example 3 graph

 Data Output

Estimated bases 2,03 Gb
Data produced 19,58 GB
Reads generated 58,13 k
Estimated N50 109,14 kb

 Bases Called

Reads called 100%
Bases called 1,68 Gb Pass
353,33 Mb Fail

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