MolGen to attend the AACC Conference in Atlanta, GA
MolGen b.v. of Utrecht (NL) is preparing to attend the Annual Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo of the American Association For Clinical Chemistry, September 26-30. With over 35,000 attendees and 3,100 exhibitors from 135 countries, this conference is the premier scientific event in laboratory medicine of the year. More than 250 new products will be introduced during the conference, and in addition to attending educational and scientific sessions, MolGen will discover cutting edge technology and learn about vital research that will enable the company to stay ahead of changes in the field. Beyond learning about new products and systems, MolGen will be able to take advantage of this collaborative environment by connecting with global leaders in clinical chemistry, molecular diagnostics, mass spectrometry, translational medicine, lab management, and other areas of breaking science in laboratory medicine.
This dynamic event comes at the perfect time as MolGen is experiencing tremendous growth. Now at 200 employees and moving forward to invest in new products, lines, new markets and global communications, the company is expanding internationally. While the company has established long-term partnerships with Eurofins, Synlab and the Dutch government, by scaling up their SARS-CoV-2 test capacity successfully, MolGen is bringing its DNA/RNA Extraction product offering to the US market. An office has already been opened in the United States, while branches in the United Kingdom and China will be established by the end of 2021.
MolGen’s success over the past several years has strengthened the company’s resolve to find even more avenues for partnership in order to create the most efficient set-ups and customizable workflows that help those in emerging markets around the world achieve laboratory automation and efficiency in diagnostics.
The AACC Conference will be the perfect opportunity for MolGen to showcase the global impact it has created by providing its customers with products and systems that create efficient, safer and economical diagnostics flow. By networking with peers and industry innovators, MolGen will be able to share all it is doing for the future of animal diagnostics, plant diagnostics, human diagnostics and molecular diagnostics as it continues to improve the lives of people, animals, plants and our planet.