MolGen PurePrep TTS - 2

TTR, an Innovation for Molecular Automation

TTR, an Innovation for Molecular Automation

Molecular biology involves the study of DNA, RNA, proteins, nucleic acids, cells, tissues, and organisms at a molecular level. With automated systems, molecular biology evolves rapidly and gains momentum to larger-scale research and diagnostics. Purification of nucleic acids in a 96 well plate is in most cases the first step in a molecular workflow. Here at MolGen, a fully automated tube transfer system has been developed to optimize the process of transferring samples from sample tubes into a 96 well plate to start the nucleic acid purification: The PurePrep TTR.

Meet the TTR!

From sample to result, efficiency, effectiveness and innovation are key for MolGen. The TTR is an excellent example of MolGen’s innovative approach to the market. Utilizing innovative technology that sets up the samples in deep-well plates for the extraction procedure, the TTR saves valuable hands-on time and increases accuracy.

The high throughput capacity enables the transfer of up to 320 samples per hour by using an air displacement method; its pipetting system is able to accurately dispense liquids in the microlitre range. The TTR sensor system monitors every step in the process to prevent any errors. With its optimized dual-arm design, the TTR provides an accurate and consistent transfer between tubes and wells.

Enabled with barcode readers, the TTR tacks and traces the samples during the entire workflow. Last but definitely not least: the system has advanced features such as level sensing and a swirl in the pipetting head which makes it possible to pipette the sample without having to remove the swab from the sample tube.


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MolGen is a global total solution provider of innovative extraction DNA/RNA technology, systems, products and kits for human and animal diagnostics, the agriculture and biotech industries. MolGen’s, systems, reagents and consumables reduce hands-on time and increase productivity while maintaining high yields and reproducibility. From sample to result, MolGen is challenging the status quo in molecular diagnostics by offering platform stand-alone systems and consumables. MolGen’s portfolio offers high-quality, adaptable, and safe workflows, which can be customised to meet customers’ specific needs.